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Building, Debugging and Customizing


The information in this chapter is only applicable for the Commercial Edition of Code RealTime since it includes the source code for the TargetRTS. With the Community Edition comes only precompiled versions of the TargetRTS for a limited number of commonly used target configurations.


To build the TargetRTS you need to have Perl installed. On Linux and macOS Perl is usually already available, while on Windows you have to download and install it yourself. One way to get Perl on Windows is to use GitBash. See the Perl web page for other options.


As a user of Code RealTime Commercial Edition you also have access to Model RealTime which includes a version of Perl, called rtperl. It can be found inside the plugin in the Model RealTime installation. If you want to use this version of Perl, locate the version under tools that matches your operating system and add its folder to your PATH variable.

Follow these steps to build the TargetRTS from its sources:

  1. Open the Code RealTime .vsix file as an archive with a ZIP tool, and unzip the folder extension/TargetRTS into a folder.
  2. Make sure the unzipped folder, and everything it contains, is writable.
  3. From a command-line prompt with Perl in the PATH go into the src subfolder of the unzipped folder and invoke a command similar to the below:
perl WinT.x64-MinGw-12.2.0 make all

The Perl script drives the build process of the TargetRTS, but uses a make tool for the bulk of the work. The first argument to the script is the name of the target configuration to use. This is the same name as is specified with the TC property targetConfiguration. The second argument to the script is the make tool to use. It corresponds to the TC property makeCommand. The final argument is a make target defined in the file To build everything use the target all.

The object files produced during the build will be placed in an output folder inside the TargetRTS folder. The name of this folder is build-<target_configuration> where <target_configuration> is the name of the target configuration used. When all object files have been built, library files will be created from them and placed in a lib/<target_configuration> sub folder. Any existing libraries in that folder, such as the precompiled versions of the TargetRTS, will be overwritten.

Flat Builds

The script accepts an optional flag -flat which, if used, should be the first argument. This flag causes the script to concatenate all source files that belong to the same class into a single file (placed in the output folder), and then build those concatenated file. This significantly reduces the number of source files to compile and therefore often speeds up the build. But beware that when debugging the TargetRTS, you will debug these concatenated files, rather than the original source code. Do not change the concatenated files as those changes will be lost the next time you build the TargetRTS with the -flat flag.


To be able to debug the TargetRTS, you need to build it with debug symbols included. Follow these steps (either in an existing target configuration, or in a new one you have created):

  1. Open in a text editor. This file is located in a subfolder under the libset folder depending on what target configuration you are using. For example TargetRTS/libset/x64-MinGw-12.2.0/
  2. Modify the variable LIBSETCCEXTRA to include the flag $(DEBUG_TAG). This variable expands to the debug compilation flag of the compiler. You might also want to remove any specified optimization flags since they can make debugging harder.
  3. Now build the TargetRTS by means of the Perl script as mentioned above.

You also need to build the generated code with debug symbols included. To do this set the compileArguments property in the TC to include the $(DEBUG_TAG) tag (and remove any optimization flags, if present).


The Visual Studio compiler also requires a link argument /DEBUG to be set to include debug symbols in an executable. Use the linkArguments TC property to set it.

If you updated an existing target configuration and TC that were already built without debug symbols previously, make sure to do a clean build. The easiest way to do a clean build of the TargetRTS is to simply remove the entire output folder where the object files are placed (the output folder is named build-<target_configuration>). To do a clean build of your application, perform the Clean command in the TC context menu, followed by Build.


There are many opportunities to customize the TargetRTS, and several good reasons to do so. Two common reasons are:

  1. You want to build your application for a target environment (OS, compiler etc) for which there is no existing target configuration. See Creating a New Target Configuration.
  2. You want to change the behavior of the TargetRTS, for example to configure one or many of its features, remove features you don't need, or extend it with some own-developed features. See Configure or Change the TargetRTS.

Creating a New Target Configuration

Examples when you need to create a new target configuration include:

  • You need to use a different C++ compiler.
  • You need to build for a different operating system (or no operating system at all).
  • You want to modify some settings in an existing target configuration, but like to keep that original target configuration unchanged.

Rather than creating a new target configuration from scratch, it's easier to start by copying an existing one. Pick a target configuration that resembles the one you like to create, and copy its subfolder under config.

For example, if you want to create a new target configuration for using the latest version of the MinGw compiler on Windows, a good starting point is to copy config/WinT.x64-MinGw-12.2.0 since most things will be the same as in that target configuration. Also copy the libset folder libset/x64-MinGw-12.2.0. Rename the copied folders for the new MinGw version and update any settings as required. For this scenario you don't need to create a new target since the existing target/WinT can be used also for this new target configuration.

If your new target configuration is for a different operating system you also need to create a target for it. Create a subfolder under target according to the naming conventions (see target configurations). The name of this subfolder must be used as the first part of your target configuration name (the text before the dot). Also create a new subfolder under src/target where you can place source code that is target specific. The files in src/target/sample can be used as a template for what code you need to write to integrate with the new operating system. Finally set the variable $target_base in the file in your copied target configuration subfolder to the name of your new subfolder under src/target. After this you can build your new target configuration.

Configure or Change the TargetRTS

Most configuration of the TargetRTS is done at the source code level using preprocessor macros. Each macro implements a specific configuration setting and can get its value from two files:

  • target/<target>/RTTarget.h Settings specific for the target (e.g. operating system specific settings).
  • libset/<libset>/RTLibSet.h Settings specific for the libset (e.g. compiler specific settings).

A setting can have a default value in include/RTConfig.h which a setting in the above files can override. If needed, you can add your own macros for new configuration settings you need, but in most cases it's enough to change the value of existing settings. Below is a list of the most commonly used configuration settings. Those settings that control if a certain feature should be included in the TargetRTS have the value 1 when the feature is included, and 0 when it's not included.


Controls if the TargetRTS should use threads. Set to 0 for building a single-threaded version of the TargetRTS or 1 for building a multi-threaded version of it.

Default value: none (must be set for a target configuration, usually in target/<target>/RTTarget.h)


Controls if the TargetRTS should keep track of statistics, such as the number of messages sent, the number of created capsules instances, etc. Collected statistics is saved per thread in the controller object, and can be printed by calling RTController::printStats(). See RTCounts for what data that gets collected when this feature is enabled.

Default value: 0 (do not collect statistics)


When a message is deferred it gets stored in a queue from where it later can be recalled. There can either be one such defer queue per capsule instance or only one defer queue per thread (i.e. stored in the controller object). Separate queues for each capsule instance will use more memory but can on the other hand result in better performance.

Default value: 0 (use one defer queue per thread). If your application doesn't use message deferral you should keep this default value.


This is a deprecated setting that controls if the RTInteger class should support the increment (++) and decrement (--) operators. The setting is deprecated since use of RTDataObject subclasses for representing primitive types is deprecated. Use a primitive C++ type instead, such as int.

Default value: 1 (set to 0 only if you use RTInteger and a very old C++ compiler)


By default a capsule has a function logMsg() which gets called when a received message gets dispatched to a capsule instance, just before the message is handled by the capsule's state machine. This is a virtual function that you can override in your capsule to perform any general action needed when a message is dispatched (logging is a common, but not the only example). The default implementation is used by the debugger to log the dispatched message.

Default value: 1 (set to 0 if you don't need this feature and want to slightly improve the performance)


The TargetRTS contains features that can convert an object to a string representation (encoding) and create an object from a string representation (decoding). It can for example be used when persisting objects from memory to a file or database, when building distributed applications where data needs to be sent between processes or machines, or when using APIs of web services (often JSON).

Default value: 1 (set to 0 if you don't need this feature)

Note that encoding/decoding is controlled by two separate settings since it's possible that you need one but not the other.


This setting controls the level of debugging support that the TargetRTS will provide. There are 3 possible values:

  • DEBUG_VERBOSE Enable all debugger features. For example, it will make it possible to log all delivery of messages, the creation and destruction of capsule instances, etc. But the executable size will be bigger, and there is an impact on performance.
  • DEBUG_TERSE Most debugger features are disabled, but some tracing in case of errors is still supported. The size of the executable will be reduced.
  • DEBUG_NONE All debugger features are disabled. The size of the executable will be reduced, and performance will be better.

Default value: DEBUG_VERBOSE

Note that regardless how you set this setting you can of course always build the TargetRTS with debug symbols to debug it with a C++ debugger.


Controls if the RTReal class should be included or not. If your target environment doesn't support floating point data types, or your application doesn't use them, you can disable this feature.

Default value: 1


If you use tools for tracking run-time problems such as memory leaks or access violations, for example Purify, you can enable this feature. It will remove some optimizations in the TargetRTS which otherwise can hide some memory allocation and deallocation events from such tools.

Default value: 0


Controls if the TargetRTS uses any inline functions. If enabled, inline functions of classes will be compiled with the class header file. If disabled, they will instead be compiled from a special file which most classes have.

Default value: 1 (set to 0 if you use an old compiler without proper support for inline functions)


This setting is used for controlling backwards compatibility in the TargetRTS. It corresponds to the version number RT_VERSION_NUMBER which is defined in the file RTVersion.h.

Default value: 520. This is a very old version of the TargetRTS, but it means that by default certain deprecated code gets included to make the TargetRTS compatible for old applications that use it. If you set it to RT_VERSION_NUMBER, then such deprecated code will not be included which will slightly reduce the size of the executable.


Controls if the TargetRTS can use TCP/IP. This is required for certain features such as debugging.

Default value: 1 (set to 0 if your target environment doesn't provide TCP/IP support)


The member functions in a generated capsule class that contain user-defined code, such as transition or guard code, will be declared with this macro. You can set it to inline if you want those function to be declared as inline functions. This may (or may not, depending on compiler) improve the performance, but may also lead to a larger executable.

Default value: none


This setting is used when you call functions on a Frame port, for example to destroy a capsule instance in a part. The recommendation is to declare Frame ports as non-service ports, so they only can be used internally by the owning capsule itself. However, if you somehow make a Frame port accessible for other capsules, they must at least be run by the same thread as the capsule that owns the Frame port.

The following values are possible for this setting:

  • RTFRAME_CHECK_STRICT (this is the default value)

Perform a run-time check that a Frame port is only used by the capsule that owns it.


Perform a run-time check that a Frame port is only used by code that runs in the same thread as the capsule that owns it.


Do not perform a run-time check. It improves the application performance slightly, and can be safely set if all Frame ports are only used by the capsule that owns them.


This setting is used when you call functions on a Frame port, for example to create or destroy a capsule instance in a part. By default these functions are thread-safe, which is required when a created or destroyed capsule instance runs in a different thread than the code that calls the functions. However, in certain cases it's possible to optimize the performance by instead using function implementations that are not thread-safe. For example, if you know that you only use Frame ports to operate on capsule instances that run in the same thread as the capsules that owns the ports, then you can disable this setting to improve the application performance.

Default value: 1 (set to 0 if you know it's safe to not use thread-safe implementations of Frame functions)


This setting controls the size of the data area in each message. This data area is used for message data that is small enough, such as integers, booleans and short strings. If the data that is sent with a message is bigger than the specified RTMESSAGE_PAYLOAD_SIZE, then dynamically allocated memory is used for storing the message data outside of the message itself. See Message Data Area for more information about the message data area.

Default value: 100 (byte size of the message data area)

Increasing the value will make each message bigger, which makes the application consume more memory, but on the other hand it may become faster since fewer messages will require dynamic memory to be allocated for storing the message data. On the other hand, if your application mostly send very small data objects, you may benefit from decreasing the RTMESSAGE_PAYLOAD_SIZE. You need to fine-tune the value of this setting to find the optimal trade-off between speed and memory consumption for your application.


This setting controls if the application will be "observable" at run-time. Target observability includes different kinds of features such as debugging, tracing etc. Disabling this setting will improve application performance and decrease memory consumption, but you will then not be able to use any of the target observability features (for example the Art Debugger).

Default value: 1 (set to 0 to disable all target observability features)


This setting is related to the free list. It defines the lower limit of the free list size. The free list will always contain at least this number of message blocks.

Default value: 20


This setting is related to the free list. It defines the upper limit of the free list size, i.e. the maximum number of message blocks that the free list will contain.

Default value: 100


This setting is related to the free list. It defines how many messages each message block contains.

Default value: 250